Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Vague Thoughts That are Begining to Consume Me...

Alright, I’ll just put it out there since no one is yet reading any of this and who knows if
any one ever will… I do have a vague shadow of a plan coming together. These are the things that I know:
  • I used to like my job (notice I didn’t say “love”) I now loathe the thought of going to work. Spending my precious time on this earth making other people (and admittedly, myself) money. The vast majority of that time spent sequestered in a dimly lit room watching people grow old. I mean what’s not to love, right?
  • I have raised three beautiful and well-adjusted children that are on their way to discovering where life will lead them. Read: They don’t need me anymore.
  • I don’t want to wait to do the things that I have always dreamed of. If working with the aged has taught me anything it’s this: no one gets out alive, it is most oft times a slow descent into infirmity and I aint gettin’ any younger.

So what’s this crazy/genius plan you may ask… I am in the planning stages of quitting my fairly lucrative job, selling my house, clearing the clutter of material belongings from my life and traveling the world until I drop. Yup. Crazy talk, I know. However, I truly feel like I am withering from the inside. Early mid-life crisis? Perhaps. I only know deep down inside that it’s now (ok, soon) or never.
The blog post that pushed me over the edge: 
Travel Around The World on $1,500/mo

Careful, it may challenge your view of what "normal" could be.

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